City of Fargo schemes farther - deeper - ever more corruptly to deprive citizen rights - mailing REFUSED - their scheme to defraud
City of Fargo schemes farther - deeper - ever more corruptly to deprive citizen rights - mailing REFUSED - their scheme to defraud.
Latest outrage..... nine affidavits - in the original necessary to protect - the rights of David Boelke delivered upon the City of Fargo - were not presented to the City of Fargo Civil Service Commission - but instead were suppressed from the recipients - by it appears certain the Attorneys for the City - Mr. Erik Johnson and Ms Nancy Morris.
The scheme to defraud civil rights became precise and appalling when the writer and author of the affidavits received a mailed package with what seemed to be the binder and affidavits delivered upon the city 12 SEP 17 and returned by mail by the HR department of the city 21 SEP 17, and proofs of such camera/audio taped and City of Fargo HR employee written receipted.
Author sent email to City Commission informing them of their on-going ethical dilemmas and the package refused, in the 0900 hour 22 SEP 17:
cc the Governor and CJ of ND and others....
22 September 2017
Hon Mayor Timothy Mahoney
Hon Commissioner David Piepkorn
Hon Commissioner Tony Gehrig
Hon Commissioner Tony Grindberg
Hon Commissioner John Strand
Mr. Mayor, Commissioners
A package delivered by US mail from City of Fargo Human Resources has been according to postal regulation REFUSED - unopened. Videotaped counter timed dated refusal.
Nine original affidavits were delivered upon the City at Human Resources the early afternoon of 12 September 2017, a day prior to the second City of Fargo Civil Service Commission meeting re David Boelke also camera documented and employee of city receipted. Delivery upon the nine individuals occurred at that time.
If Commission is not aware of this latest matter, then you have the duty to open the REFUSED mail piece as the sitting Commission. If you are aware then perhaps you need to consider the competency and ethics of your counsel.
To review - 10 FEB 16 your employee Jarrod Wagner fatally wounds your employee Jason Moszer. A fraudulent investigation follows. Officer Moszer best friend (Officer David Boelke) is messed up - to put it nice, from the incident. The City picks a period of time to evaluate Office Boelke that is in part within the year that Officer Boelke states he is fucked up by the killing of Jason Moszer. Oh yes - the bear is poked.
See the original affidavit(s) for more info. Civil rights of Mr. Boelke and Michelle Schumacher are abused, arguably in the case of Mr. Boelke and definitely in the case of Michelle Schumacher. The affidavits appear to be unethically suppressed from some of the recipients - in my opinion. Mr. Mayor, you hold the police portfolio. I will not engage with the city in a game of document tag. The City of Fargo, NDAG, et al - are “ it”. At this present moment tens of thousands of computer electronic contacts are being made regarding the new site created, necessitated by the latest actions of the City of Fargo operating under the color of law: https://undlawschoolclosure. Thank You.
Mark Nelson
David Hale in his seminal article "Is there a Minot Mafia" asks to the effect when will the (ND) corruption ever end..... yeah....
in Business News former KVLY reporter (Investigative - yeah....) has been promoted to West Virginia to another Grey Communications enterprise - Good Luck. Lots to investigate in coal waste heaps.
Perhaps Mayor Mahoney can declare a KVLY investigations success official day in Fargo. Perhaps not.